Monday Musings - Let It Become Your Companion

There are certain books which strike such a powerful chord, they are meant to be read over and over. Christine M. Arabik, M.A. puts Stirring Slumbering Souls - 250 Eucharistic Reflections in that category: 

"Slumbering Souls is a beautiful anthology from saints, mystics and friends of Jesus. This book has the potential to facilitate deeper reflection and response for its readers who truly seek to grow in their faith and appreciation for the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. For some, just one quote could bring the moment of change and profound conversion for which they have longed. For others, this will be a companion to them in their prayer times at home and in Church. As for me, it will be among my select and treasured go-to spiritual books."

Why not get your copy today?


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