Pondering Tidbits of Truth - March 15, 2018

 Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

 St. Anthony Mary Claret

"...the most important point on which depends your whole welfare in the spiritual life: this point is that one must tread in the footsteps which Jesus Christ left before us, and keeping Him faithful company, patiently bear the desolation and affliction in one’s spirit, pain and hardships in one’s body, outrages, injuries, ill-will and persecution from whatever source they come. One who has no willingness to walk this road will never find God, and much less will he come to a pure and perfect love for Him…"

(From The Golden Key to Heaven)

St. Paul of the Cross  

"Build an oratory within yourself, and there have Jesus on the altar of your heart. Speak to Him often while you are doing your work. Speak to Him of His holy love, of His holy sufferings and of the sorrows of most holy Mary." 

Father Thomas Dubay, S.M.

“Advancing communion with God does not happen in isolation from the rest of life. One’s whole behavior pattern is being transformed as the prayer deepens. So true is this that if humility, patience, temperance, chastity and love for neighbor are not growing, neither is prayer growing. Hence, contemplation is not simply a pious occupation in the chapel or in some other solitude. Its effects are so necessarily seen in all the prosaic details of daily life that if growth in the virtues is lacking, so is the contemplation.”

(From Fire Within)


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